Popcorn Supply

Popcorn Machine Supplies

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Popcorn Supplies

Pre-Measured Popcorn Kits

Popcorn Containers and Popcorn Seasonings


Popcorn Supplies


Standard Concession Supply's Popcorn Supplies comes from the finest seeds available. Our popcorn is grown in the heart of the corn belt of America so you can be assured that the quality is the finest around. Our Popcorn is selected for its explosive expansion qualities and tender flakes. Because of our dedication to bringing our customers nothing but the best, Standard Concessions Supply guarantees total satisfaction.  Our popcorn machine supplies contain explosive kernels that produce the best volume yields in the industry, while delivering the best tasting popcorn available anywhere.

Stock up today on our wholesale pricing of popcorn supplies!

If you don't see what you are looking for, feel free to email us at info@standardconcessionsupply.comor call us at 757-473-8951. Our warehouse inventory contains other items not listed below.


Fun Fact: Americans consume 17 billion quarts of popped popcorn annually or 59 quarts per person.  It is one of the most wholesome and economical foods available. For additional facts about popcorn and to learn a little about the nutritional value of popcorn, click on popcorn facts.


  Artwork subject to change without notice.


Popcorn Supplies




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Sunglo Buttery Topping
Sunglo Buttery Topping

Sunglo Buttery Topping by the Gallon manufactured by Great Western Products.

Formerly Peters Buttery Flavored Topping Oil is now Sunglo ultimate buttery topping for popcorn lovers every where. Popcorn butter is usually considered the secret to good Movie Theater Popcorn....Sunglo Movie Time buttery topping is a delicious butter flavor topping that is used by some of the largest theatre circuits in the world.  Can't get enough Butter on your Popcorn? ... Try our delicious Buttery Popcorn Topping!  All you have to do is drizzle this buttery topping onto your freshly made popcorn to add the warm, buttery goodness you find at movie Theaters. Your friends and family or customers will thank you.


Butter Warmer Pump Dispenser
Butter Warmer Pump Dispenser

The Paragon Butter Warmer Pump.  Now you can have buttery popcorn just like the movie theaters right in your home.  No need to purchase the $350.00 commercial butter warmer.  Just pour in your buttery topping and in 5 minutes, you are ready to go.   Also, a great product for a small business snack area or car showroom or other similar venues.

 Also, a great gift for the popcorn lover!


Gallon of Canola Popcorn Oil
Gallon of Canola Popcorn Oil

Gallon of Sunglo Movie Time Canola Oil.  New at Standard Concession Supply...Formerly Peters Movie Time canola oil by the gallon....Has now a new name with Sunglo Canola Oil.  This oil is blended with a wonderful tasting buttery oil that will make great tasting popcorn for theater or home use.  Sunglo Popping Oil is a healthy oil to pop popcorn with...without high saturated fats and cholesterol.  Great flavor and great smell.  The color of the popcorn will be golden yellow color.  Try some today!

Click here for more info on the change from Peters to Suglo

Orig.: $29.00
Sale: $22.00

Great Western Gallon of Coconut Oil
Great Western Gallon of Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil Just like they use at the movie theater.  This coconut oil has been formulated for popcorn popping. This product is a Diacetyl Free Coconut oil, pure and refined.  This oil will pop popcorn with a great aroma and maximum expansion of each popcorn kernel.  And, popcorn popped in coconut oil simply tastes great.  This coconut oil contains no trans fats.  This coconut oil is sold by the gallon.


Savannah Gold Popcorn
Savannah Gold Popcorn

Savannah Gold 5 lb. Popcorn Seed.  One of the most delicious popcorn seed.  The Savannah Gold has a creamy, chewy texture with mellow flavor.  This sweet flavored corn tastes like you have buttered it.  Our Savannah Gold Popcorn comes in an attractive new 5 lb. plastic bottle.  New bottle makes it easier to handle, more convenient to store, and save you money.

It's healthy and nutritious and it tastes great!


White Birch Flavor Popcorn
White Birch Flavor Popcorn

White birch flavored popcorn packed in a 5 lb. plastic bottle..the perfect popcorn lovers size.  The 5 lb. bottle is very easy to reclose and store after every use.

Wisconsin White Birch – This delicious white popping corn pops up light and crispy, with a sweet, mild flavor.  Great taste for the Holidays!


5 lb. Gourmet Popcorn Flavors
5 lb. Gourmet Popcorn Flavors

Unlike other commercial brands that have been genetically altered, our gourmet popcorn kernels, featured here is 5 lb stylish plastic containers, have very tender hulls, which shatter when popped. Our smaller kernels also have a deeper, richer corn flavor. Larger kernels could be achieved by cross-breeding with field corn, but would produce a less flavorful, almost styrofoam-like texture. Our Popcorn is GMO-free - nature at its best.  Our Gourmet Popcorn Seeds featured here includes Autumn Blaze, High Mountain Midnight, Sunset Fire, Orchard Blossoms, hulless Baby White Rice, and Red River Valley Gourmet Popcorn Kernels.  Click on link above for further descriptions.. 


Caramel Popcorn Glaze
Caramel Popcorn Glaze
For the sweet tooth and caramel popcorn lover(s) in your family, offer up some caramel popcorn glazed popcorn.   For a tasty treat, simply combine this delicious Gold Medal Glaze Pop with popcorn and oil while heating. 28 ounce quart container.  Great item also for a gourmet popcorn or candy shop.  Also, great for tea and coffee. 
Now available: Glaze Pop in Cherry and Blue Raspberry
Click on the link above to order from the drop down menu

Orig.: $4.90
Sale: $4.75

Sunglo 2.5 oz Dual Pack Popcorn
Sunglo 2.5 oz Dual Pack Popcorn

New at Standard Concession Supply...2.5 oz Size Portion Pack Popcorn.  Packed 36 count per case. Perfect for the smaller popcorn makers with 2.5 oz size kettles.  Packed with the correct amount of popcorn, coconut oil, and seasoning salt.


Popcorn Starter Kit for 4 oz. Kettles
Popcorn Starter Kit for 4 oz. Kettles

Popcorn Starter Kit for 4 oz Kettle....everything you need to get started popping popcorn with your new popcorn machine.  Also great to have on hand for everyday use in your home theater room to keep your home theater popcorn machine popping.  Order two to always have a backup on hand for the big parties.

This Popcorn Starter Kit is for Popcorn Machines with 4 oz. Kettles.

  • 24 pre-measured popcorn portion packs
  • 100 - one ounce paper clown bags
  • 1 - plastic scoop
  • 1- corn measure
  • 1 - oil measure


Pop Weaver 4 oz. Fun Pop 36 ct. Pack Popcorn
Pop Weaver 4 oz. Fun Pop 36 ct. Pack Popcorn

New...Popweaver popcorn now in the 4 oz kettle size.  Fun Pop is the name...Delicious Buttery Weaver popcorn is the taste.  Packed with 36 packs of popcorn per case.  Each pack contains the pre-measured ingredients of coconut oil, buttery flavored salt, and 4 oz of popcorn to make great theater tasting popcorn with each popping.  And with the aroma each popping makes, you will think that you are in a movie theater.


5 Count Packets of 4oz Pop Weaver Naks Pak Popcorn
5 Count Packets of 4oz Pop Weaver Naks Pak Popcorn

Pop Weaver Portion Pak Fun Pop Popcorn..... Packed 5 packets per box for 4 oz Popcorn Kettles.  Great for home parties and small gatherings.  Pre-measured coconut oil, buttery flavored salt, and popcorn.  Get that buttery taste popcorn that the Weaver Naks Pak Popcorn are known for.

Free Shipping

Orig.: $19.97
Sale: $16.97

Rojos 4 oz. Portion Pack Popcorn - 24 Pack
Rojos 4 oz. Portion Pack Popcorn - 24 Pack
These Rojos handy popcorn portion packs have pre-measured amounts of popcorn, seasoning salt, and coconut oil for perfect, theater-quality popcorn every time. Simply cut-off the top and put the contents into your heated kettle for hassle-free popping. No measuring, No mess, No clean-up. There are 24 portion packs in each case
Designed for home or commercial use in 4 oz. poppers, or a 3qt sauce pan, or a stove top popper.  
Call 757-473-8951 for bulk shipping rates

Orig.: $29.00
Sale: $26.75

Popcorn Starter Kit for 6 oz. Kettle
Popcorn Starter Kit for 6 oz. Kettle

New at Standard Concession Supply...Popcorn Starter Kits...everything you need to get started popping popcorn with your new popcorn machine.  Also great to have on hand for everyday use in your home theater room to keep your home theater popcorn machine popping.  This Popcorn Starter Kit is for Popcorn Machines with 6 oz. Kettles.

  • 24 pre-measured popcorn portion packs
  • 100 - one ounce paper clown bags
  • 1 - plastic scoop
  • 1- corn measure
  • 1 - oil measure


Great Western Premium 6 oz Portion Pack Popcorn with Coconut Oil
Great Western Premium 6 oz Portion Pack Popcorn with Coconut Oil

Great Western Portion Pack Popcorn 36 Count for 6 oz Kettle.  These Pre-measured portion pack popcorn is designed for 6 oz kettle popcorn machines or 6 quart popcorn poppers  No more mess measuring popcorn ingredients for your kettle.  This packet is easy to pour right into your popcorn kettle as the packet contains the exact amount of oil, popcorn, and buttery salt to pop great tasting movie theater style of popcorn for a six ounce kettle. 


Rojos 8 oz Portion Pack Popcorn with Sunflower Oil
Rojos 8 oz Portion Pack Popcorn with Coconut Oil

Popcorn Packs with Coconut Oil for 6 or 8 oz Popcorn Kettles.  Healthy popcorn oil in a complete Popcorn Making Kit.  This Tri-Pak packaging includes oil, popcorn salt, and popcorn all in individual separate areas.  You will enjoy high expansion popping ratio (40:1 Volume or Better) for increased profits or home enjoyment. Rojos popcorn provides great taste, smell, and repeat sales.   24/8 oz Packets of Popcorn Per Case.Call 757-473-8951 for bulk shipping rates.

Orig.: $39.00
Sale: $35.75

Popcorn Starter Kit for 8 oz. Kettle
Popcorn Starter Kit for 8 oz. Kettle

8 oz Popcorn Starter Kits...everything you need to get started popping popcorn with your new 8 oz. popcorn machine.  Also great to have on hand for everyday use in your home theater room to keep your home theater popcorn machine popping.  Order two to always have a backup on hand for the big parties.

This Popcorn Starter Kit is for Popcorn Machines with 8 oz. Kettles.

  • 24 pre-measured popcorn portion packs
  • 100 - one ounce paper clown bags
  • 1 - plastic scoop
  • 1- corn measure
  • 1 - oil measure


Dual Pak Popcorn for 6 or 8-ounce Kettle
Dual Pak Popcorn for 6 or 8-ounce Kettle

The Great Western 8-ounce Dual Pak will work great in a six or eight-ounce kettle.  This case cantains 24 packets of pre-measured eight-ounce popcorn, coconut oil, and buttery flavored salt  ... very easy to use!  The oil, popcorn, and salt is the same that is served in many movie theatres in the United States.  Creates a wonderful aroma, and will attract customers like a magnet.

Call 757-473-8951 for bulk shipping rates.

Stock up today!


Pop Weaver Naks Popcorn Pak for 8 Oz Kettles
Pop Weaver Naks Popcorn Pak for 8 Oz Kettles

Pop Weaver Naks Pak with Coconut oil for 8 oz Kettle Popcorn Machinss. Packed 24 pre-measured packets per case.  Includes oil, popcorn, and buttery flavored salt. Includes a great buttery flavored mix in the coconut oil. Creates a sensational popcorn aroma.

Call 757-473-8951 for bulk shipping rates.


Dual Pak Popcorn for 12 oz Kettle
Dual Pak Popcorn for 12 oz Kettle

Case of 12 oz. Dual Pak Popcorn.  Easy to use Premeasured Packets that contains coconut oil, corn, and salt.  Convenience, quality, ease of handling, yield and inventory control are the features you can expect from Great Western dual pack portion control packaging. This attractive portion control packet has everything to pop perfect popcorn every time

24 packs per case to be used in a popcorn machine with a 12 oz. popcorn machine kettle.  Now Pareve Certified Kosher.


Suglo 35oz. Season-It-Popcorn Salt
Suglo 35oz. Season-It-Popcorn Salt

Sunglo Popcorn Salt is a highly refined and concentrated salt. (Previously Season-it Salt)  Season-it adds just the right amount of buttery flavoring to your popcorn.  Add Sunglo in the kettle at the same time you pour in the popcorn and oil.  Packaged here in an 35 oz or 1 quart container.  Great taste and produces a great aroma.  Once you try it, you will never want to make popcorn again without a buttery flavored salt.  Popcorn eating will never be the same! 


Kernel Season's 32 oz Popcorn Seasoning Jar
Kernel Season's 32 oz Popcorn Seasoning Jar

New...delicious and high quality Kernel Seasons popcorn seasoning in a 32 oz jar.  We feature here 3 different flavors that include White Cheddar, Nacho, and Ranch.

Out of stock


8" 1-Ounce Popcorn Bags
8" 1-Ounce Popcorn Bags

Case of 1-Ounce Popcorn Bags.  1000 count per case. Great for businesses and churches who are giving out popcorn for good will and promotions.  Also great for groups who are serving or selling to children and for home birthday parties.  Great size for rental stores.


50 Count 1-ounce Popcorn Bags
50 Count 1-ounce Popcorn Bags

Need a smaller quanity of popcorn bags?  Here's your solution.  Bundle of 50 one-ounce popcorn bags.  Great for birthday parties or business give-a-ways.


10" 1.5 -Ounce Popcorn Bags
10" 1.5 -Ounce Popcorn Bags

10" Popcorn Bags that hold 1.5 ounces of popcorn. 1000 count.


Great Western 130 oz Butter Popcorn Bags
Great Western 130 oz Butter Popcorn Bags

Great Western 130 oz Buttery Popcorn Bags.  Open Popcorn Bags that feature a special coating to keep the buttery popcorn effects on the inside of the bag and not melt through to the outside. Packed 500 Bags Per Case.  Bright colorful Bags. Great for movie theaters to home theaters to coliseums, and more. More economical way to serve popcorn that the popcorn tubs.

Orig.: $108.52
Sale: $98.52

Movie Theme Pop Up Popcorn Box
Movie Theme Pop Up Popcorn Box

Movie Theater Themed Pop Up Popcorn Boxes - 10 Count.  Very colorful .75 oz popcorn boxes that arrive folded flat, but pop open as you squeeze them from the sides.  You will feel like you're at the movies no matter where you are when you have your popcorn in these boxes.  Each package ordered includes 10 individual serving popcorn boxes.  Enjoy the movie!

Orig.: $3.05
Sale: $2.29

44 E Scoop Boxes By The Case
44 E Scoop Boxes By The Case

Our kid size .74 oz sccop popcorn boxes are now available by by the case.  Great box to use for any children's party or event.  Easy and fun to use and set-up for any party.  Just scoop and  fill the boxes with popcorn and then hand one out to each child at your function.  Packed 500 boxes per case.


Case of 48E Scoop Popcorn Boxes
Case of 48E Scoop Popcorn Boxes

Case of 500 count 1.75 oz. open top scoop popcorn boxes.

Use the "scoop" style cartons with the open tops for fast fill and serve. All are shipped nested, to form a very compact shipping case for space savings. A walking billboard for popcorn to help increase impulse sales.


Case of 3E Popcorn Boxes
Case of 3E Popcorn Boxes

Case of 500 Count 1.25 oz Popcorn Boxes.

Closed top box of 500 count.  Great item if you need to pre-packaged your popcorn for busy events, hawking, or serving fresh at your concession stand.

Orig.: $116.50
Sale: $107.50

3.5 B Popcorn Box
3.5 B Popcorn Box

Exciting new Fun at the Fair Popcorn Box.  Colorful and attractive 3.5 B Popcorn Box that holds 1.8 oz. of popcorn.  Box folds at the top to help keep in freshness and assists in storing the pre-packaged popped popcorn.  Realistic design will definitely attract more customers.  Packed 500 Boxes per case.


Case of 8E Jumbo Closed Top Popcorn Box
Case of 8E Jumbo Closed Top Popcorn Box

New at Standard Concession Supply....The Jumbo 6 oz 8E Popcorn Box.  Great box for the entire family or big popcorn eater to enjoy on the midway, in the movie theater, or at the ballgame or racetrack.  Great profit maker....you can sell this box for $5.00 or $7.00

These popcorn boxes have an attractive red & white design.  Remember popcorn always sells better in boxes  Fold top box.


Plastic Popcorn Scoop
Plastic Popcorn Scoop

Red plastic scoop not only great for filling your popcorn container, but also for sifting away the seeds from the popcorn.


Small Plastic Popcorn Box
Small Plastic Popcorn Box

Plastic Popcorn Scoop Box. We now have it all at Standard Concession Supply....is it paper or plastic?  If paper popcorn boxes are not your thing, and your looking to upgrade your popcorn containers, then these plastic scoop boxes are what you are looking for. They are durable and sturdy. This plastic popcorn scoop bowl is nostalgic design like years gone by.  Great for movie night or social parties.  Use it for popcorn or caramel corn.  Holds 1 oz . of an ounce of popped popcorn.

For other plastic popcorn scoop boxes and bowls, go to Popcorn Bowls.

Orig.: $2.49
Sale: $1.87

85 oz Popcorn Tubs 300 Count
85 oz Popcorn Tubs 300 Count

New Design 85 oz Popcorn Tubs.  Very attractive designed popcorn tubs that will grab the attention of customers everywhere you are.....festivals, fairs, movie theaters, and even wonderful for home theaters.  Eye catching graphics featuring popping popcorn.

Orig.: $127.20
Sale: $109.50

130 oz Popcorn Tubs
130 oz Popcorn Tubs

130 Oz Popcorn Tubs.  Attractive and colorful with a bright Popcorn Logo design, these 130 oz Paper Popcorn Tubs are great for Movie Theaters, Water Parks, Coliseums, Foot Ball and Baseball stadiums, as well as other sporting arenas.

Orig.: $155.85
Sale: $140.85


Looking for Popcorn Machines and Carts?  Visit our Popcorn Machines store.



Popcorn Supplies