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Cotton Candy > Case of Floss Sugar
Case of Floss Sugar

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Price: $41.75
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: Cs/FS

Our ready-to-use flavored floss sugar mix is premixed and designed to pour directly into a cotton candy machine. Packaged in 6 half gallon cartons with a special blend of just the right amount of color and flavor.  Standard Concession Supply Floss Sugar will certainly be a crowd please. Variety of flavors!

Each half gallon of floss sugar makes 40 to 50 cones depending on the humidity.  The humidity of summer can reduce the production output of making cotton candy whether you are putting it on a cotton candy cone or in a plastic bag.  When possible, it is advisable on humid days to make cotton candy in premises that are air conditioned to create the fluffiest cotton candy possible.  Of course in the winter, ideal conditions are present to make the best cotton candy to everyone's delight!

Depending on our inventory, we will ship either Victor Products or Great Western Floss Mix.