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Cotton Candy Machines > Paragon Classic Floss 5 Cotton Candy Machine with Metal Bowl
Paragon Classic Floss 5 Cotton Candy Machine with Metal Bowl

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Orig. Price: $923.00
Sale Price: $877.00
Availability: In Stock
Prod. Code: 7105100

Paragon's Classic Floss 5 Cotton Candy Machine with Metal Bowl.  Our easy-to-use Classic Floss 5 machine has a completely new head design that produces cotton candy continuously and smoothly.  The Classic Floss cotton candy machine with metal floss bowl uses a durable tubular heating element with an easy to clean high performance all metal construction 5" spinner head.  The all-metal design gives your superior durability over other brands that uses plastic parts.


  • High-Performance Head
  • Heavy-Duty Motor (1/12 Horsepower)
  • Professional Controls
  • Aluminized Cabinet
  • Produces 3 servings per minute or up to 200 cones per hour.
  • Made in the USA
  • Mesh included

One year parts warranty.


  120 Volts 1636 Watts 13.6 Amps 200 cones per hr

   19”W x 12”D x 21”H 49 lbs.